Dueling Mandates in Yellowstone

Old Faithful is a popular visitors designation in the park, both summer and winter. The only way to access into the Old Faithful. The snowmobiles don’t have noise so it won’t scare the animals away. But on the other hand it will also cost a lot of money to do so. They also stopped air pollution, but again that all cost money. They are all improved and look nicer and work better. The snowmobiles make it so you don’t have to walk. You’ll have a lot of fun on them! You must pay for a snowmobile if you want to be on one. Not a lot of people will come because of paying for it, and you have to wait a little while to get on one. You have to be a certified diver to be on the snowmobile. You get to drive on groomed roads when you look around. But don’t forget to follow the rules, with everything you have to follow rules, people think if you have rules you have less fun, but the rules are trying to keep you safe.